Hi there!

I’m Amy and I’m the founder and visionary behind Amy Lee Life Coaching Inc., a transformational life coaching business that has helped the Next Generation take charge and become the architects of their own lives.

Being raised by Korean immigrant parents, I know exactly what it’s like to feel shackled by cultural and societal expectations, having achieved goal after goal yet still always questioning, “Is this all there is?” Trust me, there is SO much more than you can know!

As a recovered cPTSD survivor with generalized anxiety disorder myself, I coach young people through comprehensive trauma-informed education, practical strategy, and spiritual energetics to guide them to become the most empowered, joyful versions of themselves.

Together, let’s close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Are you ready to reclaim the Truth of who you are? Get in, we’re going self-actualizing!


You are your ancestors’

wildest dreams…


Let’s work together


Radical Reclamation

A 12-week group coaching intensive designed to facilitate a transformative journey through trauma-informed, evidence-based, and inclusive coaching within a safe container of like-minded individuals.

Learn from the best psychotherapists, intuitive readers, shamans, and wellness experts in the industry with three guest workshops, in addition to weekly group calls, monthly 1:1 sessions, and custom course curriculum, complete with worksheets, video modules, etc.

“Finding yourself" is not really how it works. You aren't a ten-dollar bill in last winter's coat pocket. You are also not lost. Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people's opinions, and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid that became your beliefs about who you are. "Finding yourself" is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you. — Emily McDowell


1:1 Rock Star

Do you learn better solo or individually? Let’s work together privately! This is a 12-week private, highly customized, individually tailored coaching experience, working directly with me, Amy, to help you find Clarity + Confidence + Action = Transformation.

I will hold massive space for you to become the most joyful, grounded, and empowered person you know, by going deep on you with where you are at in life. These will be weekly hour-long video sessions, where you walk away with practical action steps and resources. This is perfect for the rockstar in the making, who is no longer standing in the crowd, but ready to take center stage in their life and their journey to the next level in ALL areas of their life.


What’s the vibe?


Video Testimonial
